Spring Fence Fun
Sometime in the late spring, we do some fence fixing' around our little ranchette. Especially if someone likes the grass growing on the other side too much and leans too far over and rips out a t-post or two.
Yes, I'm talking about you, Takoda.
Timing is everything up here at 8,000 feet. The ground has to be thawed, but not too dry yet. This year we've had so much rain that we lucked out. The ground was pretty soft and pliable yesterday. Although if you ask Boots, he may not agree. He was the one slamming a 20 pound sledgehammer over and over and OVER again. I was just holding the posts, and admiring the view.
Oh, and I put these black thingy-mah-bobbers on. They hold the wires. They have a real name. I just think it's more fun to call them black thingymahbobbers.
We have elk, deer, coyotes, and wild turkeys wander around our property almost every day. And we love them! Which is why we have this type of fence. It's smooth, high-tensile wire. Keeps our horses in, but the deer and elk can jump over it, and the coyotes and turkeys can scoot under it.
See those green t-posts leaning? We had to pull about two hundred trillion of those out, and whack them back in. All straight and purty now.
Until next year.